Because in the free marketplace of ideas,
bad ideas don't stand a chance.
Whether you're Liberal or Conservative, Libertarian or Fascist, Sensible or Stupid, Right or Wrong...
Let the arguments begin!
Just go to our brand new bickerfest forum and pick a good fight!
Or write a friendly essay or poem on a topic of your choosing.
Right now, the bickerfest management (such that it is) is busy working on some of the other aspects of bickerfest.com so we haven't had the time to start (nor really join in with) many debatable topics just yet.
Therefore, when you first arrive at the site, if you don't find anything worth arguing about in the current subject list, you're invited to click on "new post" so that you can get the ball rolling in your own way!
Wanna' get paid to bicker?
If you're an interesting writer and/or thinker (or just plain amusing), this bickerfest.com thinger could quickly evolve into a paying gig for you within a few short months.
We're busy working out the details.
OTOH, if you're kinda boring, but you'd still like to cash-in here, well, you'll just have to find some other way to try to make yourself useful to the bickerfest discussions. Like doing a bit of fact-checking, for instance. Or you can make any number of other positive contributions.
Otherwise, the payment you receive may be nothing more than absorbing all of the entertainment and education provided to you by the other active participants -- which is wayyy more than nothing.
So stop your brooding and count your blessings.
Got questions?
If there's anything at all that you don't understand about using the Google Groups interface to post your flimsy arguments and/or alleged thoughts, OR if you have any other questions about this fascinating, innovative, bickerfesting enterprise, feel free to ask away in the comments below, or you can email them to us:
Because, as we all know:
So, enjoy the ride!
Bicker blocked?
If you can't think of anything to write or debate about right now, just click on one of the keyword-based Google-generated YouTube/Google video links which are running horizontally at the bottom of this blog.
After you click on a pic, a video will start playing at the top of this blog -- you'll have to scroll up to watch it.
For new video options, wait a bit and the selection of videos which is tied to the keywords will automatically change -- or you can try refreshing your browser to speed it up.
Still stumped?
If none of those videos help you to get any of your ideas or arguments to the surface, alternatively, you could theoretically take a walk to the grocery store, pick up a newspaper, and read a few of the anger-inducing headlines, or turn on the telly -- or you could even tune into something on your local hate radio.
Or ask your boss for a raise.
Or perhaps ask your spouse for an extended back rub -- and then fall asleep in the middle of it.
Any of the above thought-provoking, argument-inducing strategies should work quite nicely to unlock your inner need for a quick quarrel or essay. Well, if nothing else, it's a start!
NOTE: If you haven't subscribed yet, and if the forum isn't currently visible to non-subscribers like yourself right now (we turn it on and off periodically), check out the Bickerfest Table of Contents for a quick peek at some of the latest topics.
The Management
(such that it is)
I don't care if it rains or freezes,
long as I got my Plastic Jeezuhsus.
Father Luke
Father Luke,
you mis-formatted your website in your above comment. you forgot the two forward slashes after the url thinger. you typed in:
but it should have been formatted like so:
What's the revenue model? Answer in my comments please.
to Zen:
answer in your comments?
which comments would those be?
have you dedicated a blog about bickerfest.com somewhere that i have somehow missed?
anyway, the revenue model for whom?
selected contributing writers get a weekly salary which eventually increases as their value to the bickerfest readership increases -- determined by the management (moi).
all in all, it's a pretty traditional revenue model, actually.
income is generated through both readers and advertisers -- albeit somewhat more creatively and innovatively than the usual.
about the only significant difference between bickerfest.com and say traditional magazines (or tv shows, or what have you) is that the advertisers have no say so whatsoever in the content -- other than perhaps directly arguing about it themselves in the forum itself, i suppose.
does that answer your question?
feel free to email me at my aol address if you have more questions, or ask them here if you like.
or start a topic on your blog.
flexibility is certainly not one of my mental blocks.
All right, I wrote something for you. Well, I think I did anyway -- I had to enter capture words twice because Bickerfest thought I looked like SPAM, so let's hope it gets through.
I'll be waiting for my check. :)
dear miz uv,
thank you for your argumentative interest in becoming a bantering bickerer!
(or a bickering banterer, whichever the case may be.)
anyway, i just checked the bickerfest management thinger and there's nothing in the moderation queue from you, so please try again.
note that if you join the bickerfest Google Group, i can remove the moderation for you so that's there's no delay in your lovely satirical postings.
as far as your first bickerfest check goes, well, i refer you to my answer to Zen above:
"selected contributing writers get a weekly salary which eventually increases as their value to the bickerfest readership increases -- determined by the management (moi)."
however, in your case (much like Zen's -- though he has you beat for first place in the bickerfest writers preference line), based on how amusing and interesting that i already know you to be (usually, heh), i'd say that you have an excellent chance of being one of the first paid bickerfesters.
so, anyway, you can either join the bickerfest Google Group (so that i can remove the auto-moderation on your debatably amusing posts), or you can try posting again and i'll approve it somewhere inbetween my various entrepreneurial naps.
the bickerfest management
NOTE: replace the word "salary" above with the word "payment".
in regards to getting paid for your interesting and/or amusing writerly contributions to the bickerfest, you don't become a "salaried" employee, you become a paid independent writer on a weekly basis -- paid thru either PayPal.com, or by check, if you prefer.
the bickerfest management
(such that it is)
How much do you pay per week?
Isn't misc.writing dead yet? Now it's trying to take over the blogosmear.
hey don, why are you passive-aggressively trying to smear the idea of open democratic discussion?
well, anyway, you've now been added to the bickerfest blogroll for that possible time somewhere in the future when you feel that you may be up for a good and honest and open debate about whatever's bothering you into such a passive-aggressive hypocrisy.
and yes, mw is just about dead, thanks to your rabid pals on the right-wing fringe who have no common decency.
but other than that, thanks for stopping by, and dropping a line, and wishing us well.
ba'dum, chsh!
but seriously, feel free to enter or start a subject in the bickerfest which you feel could serve to improve things rather than make them worse.
anonymous asked:
How much do you pay per week?
whatever your writerly contributions to the discussions are worth -- starting from a hundred bucks a week for selected writers.
do you have any samples of your debating and/or your essay writing?
regardless, the best way to show your stuff is to start posting it in the bickerfest during your spare time.
enter or start a debate.
or write an essay.
if what you conribute is well-received, you'll be offered money to continue conributing -- because we'll want you to keep producing.
if you're not offered anything, keep trying and improving.
or don't write anything at all here.
that's how it works.
supply and demand.
and art.
to summarize:
1. you won't get paid for what you don't write.
2. you may get paid for what you do write.
3. the better you express yourself, the more likely it is that you will get paid well for doing so.
you make your own case in bickerfest.
it's a merit thinger.
inform and entertain.
and do it well.
NOTE: double typo?
conributing = contributing
I don't care if it rains or freezes,
long as I got my Plastic Jeezuhsus.
F a t h e r L u k e
Passive-aggressive? I see your point. I react to anything MW-ish as if it were MW-ish. If this project is truly non-MW-ish, then my attitude will change. Good luck with it, seriously.
don, think of the old mw, years ago, except without any trace of malice.
that's what bickerfest is aiming for, only MORE content (and more diverse) -- plus, BONUS, many of the participants will actually get paid for providing said content.
how does that sound?
sounds good, right?
so thanks for wishing us well.
stop by every so often, pull up a chair, and we'll have Hound's cousin pour you a nice brew while you tell us some interesting story of some sort.
then maybe we'll all argue about some of the details of your tale, to see whether you have a good sense of humor.
You should create a bickerfester badge for people to post on their blogs.
"I am a bickerfester. Come join the fest and we'll bicker together."
Or something like that.
excellent idea!
blurbees wrote: ba'dum, chsh!
For years I have sought the most suitable onomatopoeia for a rim shot. I now place your selection right above "rumm-pish," which admittedly is often taken as a description of a fat ass.
Anyway, I'm in!
hey, welcome aboard the bickerfest, o'tim!
and i see that you've dug right in with the arguments, too.
anyway, i just canceled my first reply to you of a few moments ago because, among other silly typos, i didn't even spell bickerfest right.
i guess i'm gonna have to start proofing my writing a bit more closely otherwise my investors won't take me seriously enough.
the money people can be sooo petty sometimes.
the trouble is, they often take themselves wayyy too seriously.
in my opinion, anyway.
of course, OTOH, perhaps i don't take myself seriously enough.
so that's why i did this rewrite.
it was just my way of compromising on the issue of typos and whatnot.
BTW: i may have stolen that rimshot onomatopoeia from somnoene else along the way, i'm not sure.
maybe even from Paula.
i keep changing it though because i can never remember how i did it last.
like, for instance, sometimes i'll include one or more vowels inbetween the "ch" and "sh", or i'll extend out the "h" in the "sh" bit, for several spaces.
like so:
ba'dum chishhhhhhh...
onomatopoeias are tough to get a feel for, IMO.
hey, i just had a fun idea.
in the spirit of bickerfest arguing in general, perhaps bickerfest will constantly change its logo -- periodically swapping in various designs from contributors on an ongoing basis. [1]
well, at least until we can all agree on one!
ba'dum chshhhhhhh!
[1] what an absolutely absurd business practice THAT would be.
i like it.
what say you?
see also: Let's argue about... the bickerfest logo where Arleen and Jenny and i are currently battling it out.
Your logo idea is insane. This bickerfest.com "business" is going to fail if you keep entertaining stupid ideas like that.
Arleen, why would anyone want to carry a badge to drive people to someone else's blog?
Dear Mr. Sour Grapes 2.0,
It's not the blog that the badge is "driving them to".
The bickerfest blog is merely the stopping off point.
The Management
(such as it is)
PS - If you were a particpant in the bickerfest you would want other people to join in. It's known as a Win-Win scenario.
I don't care if it rains or freezes
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